Feb 26, 2015
The Money Mastermind Show welcomes Dorethia Conner Kelly from #MoneyChat to our studios to chat about how you can take your next step on the staircase to wealth and prosperity no matter where you currently are. Some people believe the path to financial success is too daunting to take on, but every journey starts with a...
Feb 19, 2015
Don’t listen to financial gurus… unless you consider us gurus… then only listen to us! Confused yet? We brought in in Joe Saul-Sehy from Stacking Benjamins to help us sort it all out. He wrote a whitepaper examining the value (or lack thereof) of what these “gurus” are putting out there on TV and other...
Feb 12, 2015
Your portfolio doesn’t need to be perfect, it just needs to be average to be better than most. A reasonable person might wonder how that could be true, but then again, a reasonable person wouldn’t conceive of the myriad of ways the financial industry had come up with to siphon off your savings and...
Feb 5, 2015
Valerie Rind joins us to talk about a major life event that no one wants to believe will happen to them, but has become all-too-common over the past couple of decades. Divorces are obviously a destructive emotional experience, but in addition, there are financial-based problems that are bound to complicate...